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Description of maps (charts) is a common task in IELTS Writing Task 1 and is a critical topic that cannot be overlooked. Generally, the time for Task 1 is relatively short, so you need to practise carefully and have a clear direction beforehand. In the following article, IDP will reveal how to write map questions in IELTS Writing Task 1 for those who already have a knowledge base and those who are just beginning their IELTS preparation.

1. Overview of the map-type question in IELTS Writing Task 1

Describing a map in IELTS Writing Task 1 requires you to describe and comment on a given map in English with a minimum of 150 words in approximately 20 minutes. This type of IELTS Writing Task 1 question is considered quite difficult, requiring multiple skills and causing hesitation for many IELTS candidates. 

However, if you know and prepare well, this can be an interesting and engaging type of question.

To build the approach to IELTS Writing Task 1 map question types, let’s first explore the types of maps. There are currently two types of map descriptions required: Multiple Maps (or maps with changes over time) and Single Map (or maps without changes over time). Among these, the second type is less common than the first.

Type 1: Time-based map

The task will provide two or more maps and require identification of the development of a city, building, or specific area over the years. Your mission is to identify and describe the changes or constants, advancements or regressions, between regions on the map across different periods such as past-past, past-present, and present-future.


Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 1 - IMG 1 - Vietnam

A map illustrating the evolution of the Lakeside area from 2000 to 2009 

In the example above, you must describe how areas such as schools, lakes, art centres, historic districts, etc., have changed from 2000 to 2009.

Type 2: Time-invariant map

This type of task consists of a single map describing a location, area, or region without changes over time. Your duty is to compare two areas, S1 and S2, on aspects such as geography, weather, population, infrastructure, etc., to decide where to build establishments like restaurants, schools, eateries, etc.


Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 1 - IMG 2 - Vietnam

A map without time changes to compare between two areas, S1 and S2

2. Instructions on fulfilling IELTS Writing Task 1 map questions in 4 simple steps

Step 1: Analyse the task 

For all IELTS Writing Task 1 chart description questions, including maps, the first step is to analyse the task to determine what type of map it is and whether it involves time changes. 

In particular, you need to focus on whether the chart depicts the past, present, or future to determine the tense and verbs to use accurately.

Step 2: Write the Introduction in the essay

Boost your IELTS Writing score by paraphrasing the prompt in the Introduction section. You can apply one of the following two suggestions:

Advice 1: Use synonyms, antonyms, or different forms of words

This method is more suitable for those with a strong vocabulary and the ability to use language flexibly. 

During your learning process, always pay attention to enhancing your IELTS topic vocabulary and practising using new words smoothly and naturally.

Example: map = diagram; show = compare; succeed = become successful

Advice 2: Change the sentence structure without altering the meaning

In this case, you can use passive voice, active voice, dummy subject (It is + adj/V + to + V), or some sentence patterns with equivalent meanings.

  • There + to be + a/an + Adj + Noun + in S + Number + Time 

= S + V (indicating changes) + Adv + Number + Time 

= Time + witness/show/experience (chứng kiến, chỉ ra, trải qua) + a/an + Adj + Noun + in S + Number

After practising the two recommendations from IDP, you can use some common introductory phrases such as:

  • The maps + V + how changed + Time = The maps + V + the changes of + [Location] + Time, where:

  • V: show/illustrate/demonstrate

  • Time: over a [number of years]-year period  from___ to___/ between___ and___

  • The given table presents/ witnesses/ shows 

  • Using relative clauses

  • Using linking words such as “Even though”, “Despite”, “Because”, “However”

Example of writing in map format for IELTS Writing Task 1:

Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 2 - IMG 3 - Vietnam

The map depicts the transformation of a public park from its inaugural opening in 1920 to its current state.

Task: The maps below show a public park that opened in 1920 and the same park today.

Sample introduction: The two maps illustrate various changes Grange Park has undergone since its opening in 1920 to the present.

>>> In the map writing example above, synonymous words are used such as "show" = "illustrate" "today" = "the present".

Step 3: Write the overview for the essay

The Overview of your essay is the most crucial part of IELTS Writing Task 1; lacking it, regardless of how well the Body is written, may prevent the essay from scoring 5.0. The Overview for a map-type chart description task should highlight significant points over time (e.g. whether there are changes, developments, or regressions) of buildings, areas, or other distinguishing features between the two maps. 

You should look at the maps and analyse them to answer questions like:

  • Are there any noticeable or significant changes in this map?

  • Are the areas or buildings in this map changing in a developmental or regressive direction?

  • Why are those buildings or areas undergoing such changes?

Try to group the changes together. However, you should only write about 1-2 sentences analysing and describing important and noteworthy information that you've extracted from the map, instead of describing all information. This helps you to avoid wasting time and being deducted points for exceeding the word limit. Additionally, you should also use synonymous words to avoid repetition in the following sections.

Another note about how to do IELTS Writing Task 1 in Map format is to only mention prominent changes in the Overview, without delving deeper, as that is the task of the Body section.

Beginning: To help readers understand that this is the Overview of the essay, add words or phrases to assert at the beginning of the sentence, such as:

  • Looking at the map/ As can be seen from the map/…. 

  • In general/ Overall

  • It is clear that 

  • Another notable feature is…

Describing changes:

You can use some of the following phrases and structures to write the Overview section:

  • S + V + change [major changes/ striking transformations/ a significant modernization/ remarkable developments/]. V can be [see/ witness/ experience/ show/ display/present]

  • Most noticeably, S + V → denote the most prominent changes. “Noticeably” is replaced by other words such as striking, conspicuous, prominent, remarkable, outstanding, salient,...

Example of how to write a map format in IELTS Writing Task 1:

Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 2 - IMG 4 - Vietnam

The map illustrates the transformation of an island from the past to the present.

Analysis of the map: As you can see on the map, the island has developed positively. Specifically, it has evolved from a deserted island into a location with numerous entertainment areas and full amenities due to the construction of new facilities.

Overview: Overall, it is clear that the original wilderness of the island has been built and developed into a recreational place full of facilities.

Step 4: Write Body 1&2 of the essay

The Body or main body paragraph is the soul of the Task 1 essay, largely determining your IELTS Writing band score

Therefore, this section is crucial and demands a variety of skills along with a rich vocabulary. The main body typically consists of two paragraphs, each about 3-4 sentences long, which can be divided based on the two locations considered in the prompt or according to changes over two time periods.

In the Body section, all your skills in analysis, summarisation, synthesis, and interpretation will be demonstrated on paper for the evaluator. Note that merely writing is not enough; you will need to use fluent and precise language to earn high marks.

For each change, you need to be able to answer the following questions:

  • What location is being described?

  • Where is that location on the map?

  • How has that location changed?

Example: The entrance has also been relocated to the southwest corner of the building, next to the new reception desk and close to a new children’s play area on the map.

  • Location being described: The entrance

  • The location is situated: The entrance is located in the southwest corner of the building, adjacent to the new reception desk and near the new children’s play area.

  • The location change: The entrance has been moved to the southwest corner of the building.

Here are some vocabulary suggestions for IELTS Writing Task 1 in map format:




Directional words

Go up

Go down













In the eastern part of

In the west corner

To the left of

To the right of

Geographical location descriptors

In the center

In the corner

In front of


Next to

On the top of…

On the coast sea

words with the meaning of construction being "building"









words carry the meaning of "abolish"

Cut down


Knock down

Pull down




words carrying the meaning of movement



Words with synonymous meanings




The term carries the meaning of extension







Words convey the meaning of reduction




Fixed-meaning word

Remain unchanged

Experience no changes

See more: Vocabulary for summarising in IELTS Writing Task 1

3. The 5-step roadmap for aceing map-type questions in IELTS Writing Task 1

Step 1: Regularly enhance your vocabulary

This is a prerequisite and the most important step to conquering English tests in general and the IELTS Writing test in particular. This applies not only for the map-type chart question, but every other type of task that requires you to have a specific and rich vocabulary to achieve the desired score.

>>> You can refer to the IELTS Writing Test Scoring Scale for a clearer understanding of the criteria for scoring high band score in an IELTS essay as well as the importance of vocabulary for this part of the test.

To master the task of describing a map in English, you should divide descriptive vocabulary into basic and essential groups to study, such as:

  • Vocabulary group, indicating location

Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 3 - IMG 5 - Vietnam

Vocabulary group, indicating the location in map-type writing tasks

  • Vocabulary group, indicating direction

Article - Writing Task 1 Map - Paragraph 3 - IMG 6 - Vietnam

Vocabulary group, indicating the direction in map-type writing tasks 

Step 2: Solidify your English grammar knowledge

First, you need to thoroughly review verb tenses in English in order to accurately describe changes in the map. 

Next, you should grasp the structures related to passive voice as you will frequently use this structure throughout the IELTS Writing Task 2 map format.

Step 3: Develop the structure (outline) of the map description

  • Introduction: Open your introduction with a sentence paraphrasing the prompt. However, you should avoid copying the entire prompt.

  • Overview: This is a concise brief description of the writing in 1-2 sentences. If you write too long or unevenly, points will be deducted.

  • Body: For this map-type of task, there are two charts showing changes over time:

  • Body 1: Detailed description of chart 1, typically written in the past tense as it has already occurred. However, there are some cases where it will be written in the present tense to compare with a future project.

  • Body 2: Provide a detailed description of chart 2, which can be written in past, present, or future tense. Remember to always compare the changes in Chart 2 with those in Chart 1

Step 4: Read more many sample answers and essays

The sample essay answers taken from past IELTS Writing test map-style questions are a reputable and abundant source for you to enhance your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and structuring. You can refer to additional resources in articles such as:

Step 5: Practise writing 

Apply all the knowledge you have acquired from the previous four steps to practise writing essays. Prepare yourself mentally and ensure a suitable space and time before starting. It will help you become familiar with the actual IELTS Writing test. 

  • Establish a regular study schedule for IELTS

  • Make notes of all the vocabulary, grammar, etc., that you learn about the writing process, and regularly apply them in practice to remember them better. 

  • And remember, this is just self-training, so making mistakes is very normal. Usually, we remember the things we do wrong more. Therefore, don't be too strict with yourself and consider those mistakes as useful lessons to always maintain a relaxed mood during the learning process.

The article above provides detailed guidance on how to write map-type descriptions in IELTS Writing Task 1. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you during your review and preparation for the IELTS test.

4. Vocabulary and sentence structures used in map task essays

4.1. Vocabulary related to infrastructure and buildings

In the IELTS Writing Task 1 map-type question, the more vocabulary you have regarding infrastructure or buildings, the higher your band score will be in this section.

Words indicating infrastructure  


Housing estate



Parking lot 




Community greens

Residential area


Zone of transition

4.2. Words indicating the location of a place 

Words describing the location of place

North - South

East - West 








Across from

4.3. Words indicating directions

Words indicating directions

On the western side

In the north western corner

To the left of ….

To the right of ….

On the top of…

In the center

Parallel to

On the coast sea

A long distance away/ far away from 

At right angles to

4.4. Words describing actions and changes to a map

Words describing changes 

Đập bỏ



Cut down / Clear



Knock down

Pull down 

Xây mới





Làm mới



Mở rộng





Thu hẹp




Thay đổi về vị trí




Thay đổi mục đích sử dụng





Từ miêu tả sự ổn định

Remain unchanged

Experience no changes

To be still there

Still exist

Gain confidence in aceing the map-type question for IELTS Writing Task 1!

With the diverse vocabulary related to the map-type question format in the IELTS Writing Task 1 above, hopefully, you have grasped some of the test structure and can score highly in your writing. You can also read more about strategies for tackling different types of questions in the available IELTS resource pool from IDP.

Remember to spend time reviewing the available IELTS resources from IDP to better prepare yourself. The materials provided include IELTS events, free IELTS preparation courses, and tips from international IELTS experts!

And when you're ready, register for the IELTS exam with IDP today!