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Thông báo địa chỉ văn phòng mới IDP Hà Nội 30 Triệu Việt Vương
Từ ngày 24/07/2023, văn phòng IDP Hà Nội 30 Triệu Việt Vương chính thức chuyển về địa chỉ mới tại Tòa nhà TD, 28 Phan Bội Châu, Quận Hoàn Kiếm.

IELTS IDP Notice of postponement of IELTS test
IELTS IDP lấy làm tiếc phải thông báo rằng các kì thi IELTS sẽ tạm hoãn cho đến khi có thông báo mới. Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được sự thông cảm của thí sinh.

IELTS IDP được Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo phê duyệt thêm 4 điểm thi trên cả nước

The world’s most trusted English test is now faster
Most IELTS on computer results are now available within two days

Minimum IELTS score to study in UK universities in 2025
Here is the list of IELTS score requirements you need to successfully study at your dream university in the UK.

Get a second chance to achieve your desired score with IELTS One Skill Retake
Find out when and why you should consider an IELTS One Skill Retake. Explore the benefits, booking process, cost and how IDP can support you.

Start learning these academic English skills to succeed in university abroad
Master these academic English skills for university success in the UK, Canada or Australia. Get practical tips on academic writing, reading and IELTS prep.

IELTS Future Award Terms
Read the terms for the IELTS Future Award Promotion.

IELTS Speaking: What skills are you tested for and how useful are they in real life?
Learn about the different kinds of skills you are tested for while sitting an IELTS Speaking test.

Minimum IELTS score to study in Australia universities in 2025
Looking to study in Australia? Here are the IELTS score requirements you need to attain to enter your dream university.