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One of the most frequently asked questions to IDP Education professionals by IELTS exam candidates: What is the difference between IELTS and IELTS UKVI (United Kingdom Visa and Immigration) exams? These two exams are exactly the same in terms of content, the only difference is that the UKVI exam is approved by the UK Home Office. Besides, a note so you don't get confused when you hear it: UKVI exams are also called SELT (Secure English Language Test).

Content and Difficulty level are exactly the same

IELTS; One of the most trusted exams by employers, educational institutions and immigration authorities. IDP, the official exam authority in Turkey of IELTS, the most popular English proficiency exam in the world, is with the exam candidates at every stage. IDP experts are frequently asked about exam types. The most frequently asked question is: What is the difference between IELTS and IELTS UKVI exams? Let's briefly explain.


  • Format

  • Contents

  • Difficulty level

  • Exactly the same in terms of scoring.

The only difference between IELTS and IELTS UKVI is that the IELTS UKVI exam is approved by the UK Home Office for work, education and immigration purposes. Your test result document is issued slightly differently to show that you have taken the IELTS UKVI test at an approved test center.

Exam prices:

Paper and Computerized IELTS 5,000 TL

Paper and Computerized IELTS UKVI 5,720 TL

About IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training

There are two more frequently asked IELTS exams. We can summarize the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training as follows:

  • IELTS Academic; It is organized to get higher education or to work.

  • IELTS General Training; It is arranged for continuing secondary education, enrolling in a vocational training, working or living in an English-speaking country.

In addition, both IELTS exam and IELTS UKVI exam have these two modules and candidates can choose these exams according to their needs.

You can forward your questions about IELTS exams to IDP Education or submit your IELTS exam application.