IELTS Life Skills exam arranged for speaking and listening skills on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) levels. Life Skills, which is a trusted English exam, has two types, A1 and B1. All the details in our article if you want to gain information about exams and to know which exam suits you.
Only for listening and speaking skills
The main purpose; of IELTS Life Skills is to prove how you communicate, to gain and give information, to be able to join an argument and to listen and answer by only evaluating your listening and speaking skills.
IELTS exam supervisor pay attention to these skills of yours:
To explain a subject.
To represent ideas or preferences
To justification of this article.
To deeply explain the subject.
Exams that last 16 to 22 minutes; happens with one supervisor and a second participant to the exam but the performance of the participant does not effect your exam results. The results of the IELTS Life Skills exam are announced by ‘Passed’ or ‘failed’ instead of the band score and the results are accepted by the UK Visa and Immigration Authority.
The difference between the IELTS Life Skills A1 and B1
If you are residing in Turkey and you want to move abroad to the UK to be with your husband/wife, you need to take the IELTS Life Skills A1 exam and if you want an unlimited residence permit or you want to apply for a visa for the UK citizenship, you need to take the IELTS Life Skills B1 exam. You can use the IELTS Life Skills exam results for visa applications.
You can visit our website to register for the IELTS Life Skills Exam A1 and B1.
You can take a glance at pilot tests of The IELTS Life Skills A1 and B1, mains are priced at 5,300 TL.