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So, how do we tell the difference between there, their, and they're? In this article, we will give you some tips on how to distinguish between them.

•Differences between there, their and they're

•Synonyms for there, their, and they're

•Using the words there, their and they're in a sentence

1. There, their, or they're: The Difference

• There

Adverb: A word that gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb or phrase.

Exclamation: A word or sound used to show strong emotion.

• Their

Possessive Determiner: A modifying word that determines the type of reference a noun or noun group has.

• They're

Contraction: An abbreviated word, or two words combined with fewer letters.

2. There, their, or they're: The Definitions

• There

It is used to describe a place or position, to draw attention to someone or something. It can also be used to focus attention to someone or to comfort someone.

• Their

It is a word used to associate with people or things already mentioned or easily identifiable.

• They're

An abbreviation for 'they are'.

3. There, their and they're: The Synonyms

• There

It can be synonymous with the word near.

• Their

Synonyms include: belonging to them, belonging to others, he, her, they.

• They're

It has no synonym.

4. Use there, their, or they're in sentences


• Please put it over there.

• The snowfall out there is beautiful.

• There appears to be a mistake.

• There, I've fixed it for you.


• She gave them their books.

• One of the kids lost their lollipop.

• Someone forgot to lock their car.

• That's their water bottle.


• They're not free for dinner tonight.

• Did you know that they're moving away?

• They're my closest friends.

• Someone told me they're here.

Understanding the differences in meaning between the words there, their and there is just one of many important things to consider when preparing for your IELTS test. Learn more tips to help you succeed by following our blog!

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