IELTS Speaking test content and assessment criteria
IELTS Speaking test content and assessment criteria
Nervous for the IELTS Speaking test? Don't worry; In order for you to reach a successful tape score, we have compiled the details of the sections in the exam and the criteria for evaluating the exam results of the experts.
band score from 1 to 9
First of all, let me state: IELTS Speaking test assessments are conducted by a Cambridge certified expert. IELTS test results, which are valid for 2 years, are given as a band score on a scale from 1 to 9. While taking the exam, identity checks are made; For this reason, you need to have it with you, with whichever identity you registered for the exam (T.R. ID card or passport).
What is the IELTS Speaking test content?
Although the Speaking test for IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training are the same, this section evaluates your English speaking skills. The face-to-face exam with the IELTS expert is recorded for further evaluation. The 11-14 minute IELTS Speaking test consists of 3 parts:
• In Chapter 1; General questions about home, family, work, interests are asked and it takes 4-5 minutes. The chapter focuses on the ability to communicate ideas and information about everyday issues and experiences by speaking.
• Part 2 presents a specific topic to talk about. The expert also informs the exam candidate about the points and explanations to be discussed in the speech. To prepare to speak, the exam candidate is given pen and paper and 1 minute; The candidate is expected to speak for 2 minutes. After the talk is over, the IELTS expert asks a few questions about the topic. This section focuses on the ability to speak at length by communicating ideas in a coherent way.
• In Part 3, questions are asked about part 2. This section, which creates an environment for discussion of abstract ideas and problems, lasts for 4-5 minutes. Section; It focuses on the ability to express, justify, analyze and discuss opinions.
How is the IELTS Speaking test evaluated?
Speaking test; It is evaluated on 4 main criteria, the effect of each criterion on the result of the exam is 25% and the average of the total is taken:
• Fluency and consistency: Using fast, flowing and orderly sentences, consistent and connected speech is expected.
• Word usage: Attention is paid to the vocabulary and proper use of words.
• Grammar: The use of grammar and appropriate sentence length are important criteria for a successful exam.
• Pronunciation: It is important to speak clearly and convey the meaning without distorting it. It's not the accent, it's the pronunciation.