
March Madness! Book IELTS for only THB 7,100 Read more .


Why book IELTS with IDP

  • Recognising Organisation

  • Test centres countrywide

  • Test date available Monday - Sunday

  • IELTS booking service

If you’re a student in Thailand planning to study abroad, the IELTS Academic Test is a crucial part of your journey. Many universities in top study destinations, including the US, UK, Australia, and Canada, require IELTS scores to verify English proficiency. This guide covers everything you need to know about the IELTS test for studying abroad, score requirements, and tips for using your IELTS score in university applications.

Check the English language requirements of different recognizing organizations before you book your IELTS test.

IELTS Score Requirements by Country

Different countries and institutions have specific IELTS score requirements. Here’s a breakdown of the typical score needed to study in popular destinations:


IELTS Score Requirement (General)

United States

6.0-7.5, depending on the university

United Kingdom

6.0-7.0 for most undergraduate programs


6.0-7.0 for university admissions


6.0-7.5 for university-level programs

These scores are general guidelines; check the exact requirements for your chosen university and program to ensure you meet their standards.