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IELTS is a valuable tool for organisations looking to evaluate the English language proficiency of their applicants. Learn more about using IELTS for your organisation.
IELTS is trusted, accepted and recognised by over 12,000 organisations in more than 140 countries. These include:
Leading universities, colleges, schools and academic institutions
Key government departments and immigration authorities
professional and industry associations
multinational companies and employers.
IELTS is backed by decades of research and is renowned for its commitment to fairness and quality. All tests are conducted in a secure environment, offering results that are an accurate reflection of their applicants’ English language abilities.
Communicating in English is critical for success for people working, studying or moving to an English-speaking country. As an organisation that recognises IELTS, you can trust your applicant's English language skills in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Different test types are available, depending on whether you require your applicants to use English in an academic or everyday context. IELTS helps you find the right people for your institution, profession or business.
When you register with IDP IELTS, your organisation will be listed on Who accepts IELTS?, a page visited 925,179 times annually. IELTS is trusted, accepted, and recognised by over 12,000 organisations in more than 140 countries.
Any organisation that requires people to demonstrate a level of English language proficiency can use IELTS.
Universities, schools, colleges and academic institutions rely on IELTS to ensure students have the English skills to succeed. Government departments and immigration authorities trust IELTS results for visas.
Professional associations use IELTS for the recognition of qualified occupations. Employers use IELTS to choose candidates who are well-prepared for English-speaking work environments.
Students have found that taking IELTS can improve employability, provide access to educational opportunities and open doors to international experiences.
Become an IELTS-recognising organisation. To register, you need to be a university, school, academic institution, training organisation, government department, professional association or multinational company.
When you sign up, you will receive free access to the secure IELTS Results Service allows you access to our results verification system or to receive results directly from IELTS.