< 2025 IDP IELTS Future Award 未來之星雅思獎學金 - 16 萬圓夢獎金等你拿!>
IELTS Academic assesses how well you can use English in an academic environment.
Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
If you would like to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in the UK, you can take IELTS for UKVI.
Check your language level and get personalised suggestions on how to improve your English and prepare for IELTS.
Check your provisional IELTS results online and do more.
Get advice you can trust. Our experts answer the most frequently asked questions about IELTS.
The environment is bright and clean, and the testing equipment is new. The staff present were very friendly and relieved my nervousness. I successfully achieved the target score in the computer-based test here.
雅思大師班是由雅思專家主講的 90 分鐘免費講座。由雅思專家為您講解雅思考試的四個部分,並給予提示及建議,教您如何理解題目及作答。深入了解寫作和口說考試所要求的評分標準、評級分數及雅思考官所期待的英語能力。了解您應避免的常犯錯誤,並仔細閱讀題目和答案。您將有機會提問,並由雅思專家為您解答。 您可選擇線上網路研討會或面對面形式參加大師班講座。您將收到一份實用的指南,裡面附有考試各部分的祕訣和建議,以及附有考官評級分數的寫作答題樣本及表現評語。
雅思考試(一般訓練組)寫作 Task 1:如何撰寫信件
雅思寫作 Task 1:如何在文章切題性上取得 7 級分或以上
雅思口說考試練習發音的 5 個祕訣