Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
If you would like to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in the UK, you can take IELTS for UKVI.
Access the IELTS Prepare hub to view articles, videos and register for a practice event near you or online.
立即查詢The environment is bright and clean, and the testing equipment is new. The staff present were very friendly and relieved my nervousness. I successfully achieved the target score in the computer-based test here.
雅思國際英語測驗是一個已獲得全球超過 12,000 個組織認可的英語考試,其中包括教育機構、公司、政府部門及專業協會等。 雅思國際英語測驗旨在評估考生在學術、高等教育或日常生活環境中的四種英語程度:聽力、閱讀、寫作、口說。 您可以參加不同模式的考試,包括:雅思考試(學術組)、雅思考試(一般訓練組)及生活技能(A1、A2 或 B1)。您需要參加的考試類型視您的目的而定,如果有意前往英語系國家留學,那麼您可能需要參加雅思考試(學術組)。