


© IELTS Australia Pty Ltd 2011-2015 版權所有,其中 IELTS Australia Pty Ltd 由 IDP Education Pty Ltd 全權擁有。

IELTS.COM 由以下企業提供:

IDP IELTS Australia Pty Ltd(由 IDP Education Pty Ltd 全權擁有) Level 8/ 535 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3121 Australia 澳洲商務號碼:84 00 866 4766

Cookie 是網站傳送並儲存在使用者網路瀏覽器的小型檔案。我們利用 Cookie 呈現個人化的網頁內容及廣告、提供社群媒體功能,並分析網站流量。我們亦會與社群媒體、廣告及分析合作夥伴分享您使用本網站的資訊。 

如果您希望停用本網站的 Cookie,請參閱您的偏好瀏覽器的隱私權及安全性設定。 

以下概述了本網站使用的 Cookie 類型及使用方式。 

絕對必要的 Cookie 

為供本網站正常運作,這類 Cookie 為絕對必要且無法停用。通常僅設定為回應您在本網站請求服務的操作,例如設定隱私權偏好、登入或填寫表格。您可以在瀏覽器中針對這類 Cookie 設定封鎖或警示功能,但這個設定將影響本網站的部分功能或內容。這些 Cookie 不會儲存任何個人辨識資料。 

效能性 Cookie 

這類 Cookie 提供我們統計本網站的瀏覽人數與流量來源,以便評估並改進本網站的表現。我們可藉此了解哪些頁面最受歡迎和最不受歡迎,並了解訪客在本網站的動向。這類 Cookie 所收集的資訊經過彙整,因此為匿名資訊。如果您停用這類 Cookie,我們將無法得知您瀏覽本網站的時間,亦無法監控網站的表現。 

功能性 Cookie 

這類 Cookie 使本網站提供更好的功能以及個人化內容。設定者可能是我們,或為本網站提供服務的第三方供應商。如果您停用這類 Cookie,本網站的部分或所有功能可能無法正常運作。 

目標性 Cookie 

這類 Cookie 可能由我們的廣告合作夥伴 Google 或 Addthis 設於本網站。目的在於依據您的喜好建立個人資料,並在其他網站向您顯示相關的廣告內容。這類 Cookie 不會直接儲存個人資料,但會儲存您的瀏覽器或網際網路裝置的獨特識別資訊。如果您停用這類 Cookie,將無法看到個人化的廣告內容。 

如果您不希望我們將非個人資訊傳送給合作夥伴(包括根據該資料使用追蹤技術顯示目標性廣告內容的第三方),請瀏覽 http://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1#!/ 以選擇「Network Advertising Initiative 選擇退出」。 

社群媒體 Cookies 

這類 Cookie 旨在提供本網站一系列社群媒體服務,包括 Linkedin 與 Facebook,以供您與朋友或其他網站分享本網站內容。這類 Cookie 會追蹤您瀏覽器瀏覽其他網站的動向,並根據您的喜好建立個人資料。這可能會影響您在其他網站所看到的內容或訊息。如果您停用這類 Cookie,將無法使用或看到這些分享工具。 



使用本網站即代表您同意遵守本使用條款,相關條款構成您與 IDP 之間具法律拘束力之協議。如您無意遵守本使用條款,請勿繼續使用本網站。 


IDP 版權 

本網站上的資料,包括所有資訊,如文字、圖形、影像、照片、音訊等,皆依照澳洲聯邦法院 1968 年《著作權法》及其修訂,以及其他國家的法律的版權保護。未經 IDP 書面授權,或澳洲《著作權法》許可,不得更改、重製本網站或其中資料,或儲存於擷取系統或另行傳輸。 


本網站包含的商標為各自所有權人之財產,受澳洲及其他國家的相關法律保護。未經 IDP 或商標所有權人之明確授權,不得使用相關商標(包括重製、修改、發佈、否認、展示或通訊等行為);對於個人非商業用途而儲存或列印本網站內容,則不在此限。 


本網站提供的外部連結網站均非 IDP 管控範圍,對於外部連結網站之內容或即時性,IDP 概不負責。本網站提供的連結並非默示 IDP 認可連結網站,亦不代表 IDP 與其有任何關聯。 


IDP 於本網站上發佈的電子通訊地址,乃為方便業務功能相關的通訊,這地址不應被認定為 IDP 或相關通訊地址同意主動接收商業訊息或垃圾郵件,如澳洲聯邦法院 2003 年《反垃圾郵件法》或其他國家法律所定義。 


就本網站或其中內容,IDP 概不提供保證或聲明。如因使用本網站而導致任何損害,包括但不限於安全性威脅、第三方揭露機密資訊或散播電腦病毒等直接或間接損失,不論基於違反合約或保證、侵權(包括過失)、產品責任或其他依據,IDP 概不負責,即使 IDP 已知悉可能會發生的損害。在法律許可範圍內,IDP 對於使用本網站而可能產生之責任概不負責。使用本網站即代表您同意如因使用本網站而導致任何損失或責任,IDP 概不負責。使用本網站的風險一概由您全權承擔,包括下載、使用、存取本網站資料、檔案、資訊或其他材料的一切風險。在法律許可範圍內,就您使用本網站而產生損失,IDP 的總體限制責任金額以澳幣 1 元為限。 




企業治理  IDP Education Pty Ltd  Level 8  535 Bourke Street  MELBOURNE 3000  Victoria, Australia 

IELTS Australia 隱私權政策 




  1. 我們收集的資料僅為幫助處理您的需要,或向您提供符合您興趣的資料。 

  2. 我們不會永久儲存您的個人資料。對於我們不需要且您不想保留的個人資料,我們會將其刪除。 

  3. 同時,我們希望您能全面了解我們如何使用個人資料,因此我們提供完整詳細的說明。 

  4. 請放心,您有權決定如何接收我們的資訊。 

  5. 這適用於所有人。未經您同意,我們不會出售您的個人資料給第三方作為行銷用途。 




IELTS Australia Pty Ltd 是 IDP Education Limited 的子公司。IDP 集團的隱私權政策如下: 



IELTS Australia  Level 8  535 Bourke Street  MELBOURNE 3000  Victoria  澳洲 

透過電子郵件聯絡我們的個人資料保護專員或隱私權專員: privacyofficer@idp.com 


IELTS Australia 收集的個人資料讓我們能夠: 

  • 舉行雅思考試,提供雅思考試練習和備試資源。 

  • 向其他雅思考試主辦機構(英國文化協會及劍橋大學語言測評考試院)轉發您的查詢(例如,當您就雅思考試進行一般查詢); 

  • 就我們提供的服務為您提供最新消息及資訊(包括參與展覽活動和就讀學習計劃/課程機會); 

  • 用作我們內部的業務營運;以及 

  • 回答您的查詢。 


雅思官方考試中心於歐洲、亞洲、澳洲、紐西蘭、北美洲、南美洲、非洲和中東超過 140 個國家營運。IELTS Australia 營運和管理部分雅思官方考試中心,英國文化協會則管理其他雅思考試中心,而您有可能獲安排至該等考試中心。 

IELTS Australia 與其他雅思國際英語測驗舉辦者(英國文化協會、IDP 國際教育中心及劍橋大學語言測評考試院)為共同資料管理人,目的為提供雅思考試服務。 





  • 醫療資訊(您可能會提供有關資料以申請考試的特殊需求); 

  • 為雅思考試提供指紋掃描作為雅思考試身分驗證管理 (IAM) 的身分辨識資料(指紋掃描是以二進位大型物件 (BLOB) 的形式進行;以及 

  • 種族或族裔(來自您出生地的資料)。 










我們提供各項服務,以支持您準備雅思考試,包括備試資源、練習測驗、研討會和 IDP 大師班。 


  • 為您提供所需要的考試練習和備試服務 

  • 開發全新及改進考試練習及備試資源 

  • 為您提供考試練習成績,並為您提供基本或個人化的評語 

  • 經您同意後,就我們提供的服務為您提供最新消息及資訊(包括參與項目/計劃的活動和機會)的資訊; 

  • 用作我們內部的業務營運;以及 

  • 回答您的查詢。 



如果我們為雅思考試或備試用途而收集您的資料,我們將在您參加雅思考試或參加相關服務後,保留該等資料最多 3 年。 

在考試日期後,指紋掃描數據僅會保留為二進位物件檔案 60 天。 


與 IELTS Australia 的其他往來 

其他與 IELTS Australia 往來的方式包括: 

  • 登記/申請成為升學顧問或員工 

  • 提交研究計劃書 

  •  登記接受由 IELTS Australia 提供的服務;或 

  • 作為認可組織的代表。 



我們只會透過合法公正的方式和管道收集個人資料。 個人資料可能直接從您或您的授權代表收集,或者從第三方收集(例如我們授權向您提供服務的許可人員或代表)。 您可以在透過社群媒體和其他線上管道與我們進行交流時,向我們提供您的個人資料。 



如果您瀏覽我們的網站,我們可能會以您的 IP 地址和/或網域名稱的形式收集關於您的其他個人資料。如需更多細節,請參閱我們的「網站 Cookie 政策」以獲取更多資料。 


為了向您提供雅思考試服務,我們向海外機構披露您的個人資料,而這些資料可能會轉予其他雅思國際英語測驗舉辦者(英國文化協會和劍橋大學語言測評考試院)。 這些接收資料的機構位於英國,受《資料保護法》(英國)的約束。 在我們將資料傳輸給海外接收者時,資料會受到使用限制和防範未經授權的瀏覽。 

IELTS Australia 某些資料系統和資料託管在澳洲或英國以外的國家的伺服器上,作為我們業務的一部分,我們可能會將您的資料傳送到其中的海外伺服器。 

IELTS Australia 可能會將收集的資料保存在或轉移到以下國家(除了您的所在國家): 

  • 澳洲 

  • 英國 

  • 印度 


向海外接收機構所披露的資料包括您為相關服務而提供給我們的任何資訊。 接受我們的服務,即表示您同意我們如上所述將您的個人資訊提供給相關的海外接收機構。IELTS Australia 採取適當的步驟來確保您個人資料的傳輸提供足夠的保障,包括我們合約中的標準保護條款以及 IDP 集團資料傳輸協議。 




  • 我們有正當理由懷疑您已經進行了非法活動或嚴重性質的不當行為,給予准許瀏覽的機會可能會阻礙對此事採取適當的行動; 

  • 提供存取權限將披露我們內部與相關商業敏感資料過程。 







對於我們已徵求您同意的處理程序,您有權在任何時候退出訂閱我們的訊息或聯絡 privacyofficer@idp.com








如您對上述個人或其他隱私權資訊有瀏覽或更正的要求,請以電子郵件聯絡 IDP 隱私權專員: privacyofficer@idp.com所有要求將在合理的時間內以書面形式答覆。作為此過程的一部分,我們將會在提供存取權限或進行任何變更之前驗證請求資訊者的個人之身分。如果我們不能滿足您的要求,我們將回覆並為您提供解釋。 



如果您對我們的政策有任何疑問,或對我們處理的您隱私權有任何投訴,請傳送電子郵件至 privacyofficer@idp.com



澳洲資訊專員辦公室 (OAIC) 網站,網址為: www.oaic.gov.au 

OAIC 的詳細聯絡方式如下: 

辦公室地址:Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000  郵寄地址(雪梨):GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001  郵寄地址(坎培拉):GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601  電話號碼:1300 363 992  傳真號碼:+ 61 2 9284 9666  電子郵件信箱: enquiries@oaic.gov.au 





此版本政策於 2018 年 7 月 20 日(星期五)發佈。 我們可能會不時更新本隱私權政策。我們鼓勵您在向我們提供個人資料時花時間審查資料。 



1. 適用的隱私權法是指: 

  • 《隱私權法案》 

  • 《一般資料保護規範》(GDPR) 

  • 與隱私權或全球任何地方使用或保護個人資料有關的任何其他適用法律 

2. IDP 是指 IDP Education Limited (ACN 117 676 463)。 

3. GDPR 指 2016/679 歐盟一般資料保護規範。 

4. 雅思是指雅思國際英語測驗 (International English Language Testing System, IELTS)。 

5. IELTS Australia 是指 IDP 子公司 IELTS Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 008 664 766)。 

6. 雅思國際英語測驗主辦方是指英國文化協會、劍橋大學語言測評考試院和 IDP 國際教育中心有限公司(透過其子公司澳洲 IELTS Australia Pty Ltd),他們共同擁有雅思考試。英國文化協會和劍橋大學語言測評考試院是英國的實體公司。 

7. 個人資料是指有關已識別的個人或可合理識別的個人之資料或意見,不論該資料或意見是否真實,或該資料或意見是否以有形的方式記錄。 

8. 隱私權法是指 1988 年隱私權法(聯邦)。 

9. 敏感資料包括有關個人的種族或族裔的資料或意見、政治觀點、專業人才或貿易協會的成員身分或犯罪記錄,這也是個人資料,或有關個人的健康資料,或用於自動化生物特徵驗證或辨識目的之生物特徵資訊,或生物特徵範本。 


Google Analytics 

我們採用 Google Analytics 評估並分析本網站之使用狀況,以確認網站符合 IDP 相關廣告商及使用者的業務目標。我們會確實保護您的個人隱私權,但會深入分析使用過程如何以使網站更加全面有效,使廣告商及使用者都能受益。 

Google Analytics 收集的資料包括: 

  • 本網站的頁面瀏覽次數(或頁面曝光次數); 

  • 獨立訪客人數; 

  • 獨立訪客在本網站的(平均)瀏覽時間; 

  • 本網站常見的出入口點; 

  • 從本網站下載的檔案;以及 

  • 在本網站上填寫的表格 

  • 受眾與裝置分析 

  • 推薦網址來源 


我們使用 Hotjar 來進一步了解使用者的需要,進而精進此服務和體驗。Hotjar 是一項技術服務,以幫助我們更能了解使用者體驗(例如他們花多少時間在哪些頁面上、他們選擇點擊的連結、使用者行為和不喜歡的東西等),讓我們透過使用者回饋建立和維護我們的服務。Hotjar 使用 cookies 及其他技術收集有關使用者行為及其裝置(尤其是裝置 IP 位址(僅以匿名形式擷取及儲存)、裝置螢幕大小、裝置類型(獨特裝置標識符)、瀏覽器資訊、地理位置(僅限國家)、用於顯示本網站偏好語言)的數據。Hotjar 將此資訊儲存於擬匿名化的使用者檔案中。Hotjar 和我們均不會利用這些資訊來識別個人使用者,亦不會與個人使用者的其他數據配對。如要了解更多詳情,請點擊 此連結

您可以按照以下方式,選擇停用建立使用者檔案、Hotjar 儲存有關您使用我們網站的數據,以及 Hotjar 在其他網站上使用的追蹤 cookies 選擇停用連結

Google AdWords 

Google AdWords 是 Google 的一項網路廣告服務,讓廣告商在 Google 展示網路上顯示廣告。我們使用 Google AdWords 再行銷功能,向您展示有關雅思備試、產品和支援的廣告。Google Customer Match 允許廣告商根據 Google 展示網路上的電子信箱清單以尋找自訂受眾。我們可能會使用 Google Customer Match 向您投放有關雅思備試、產品和支援的廣告。  

如您希望停用 Google 網路廣告,請瀏覽 https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en 

Facebook 自訂廣告受眾 

Facebook 自訂廣告受眾計劃讓廣告商可以根據 Facebook 上的電子信箱,尋找自訂廣告受眾。我們有權參與 Facebook 自訂廣告受眾計劃,向您投放有關雅思備試、產品及支援的廣告。 

如您希望停用 Facebook 自訂廣告受眾的廣告,您可透過 Facebook 的隱私權設定進行控制,或點選廣告並選擇「隱藏所有來自此廣告商的廣告」。 


AdRoll Group 使用 cookies、追蹤像素及相關技術向廣告商提供我們的服務。Cookies 是由我們的平台提供並儲存在您裝置中的小型資料檔案。 

如果您不希望我們將非個人資訊傳送給合作夥伴(包括根據該資料使用追蹤技術顯示目標性廣告內容的第三方),請瀏覽 http://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1#!/ 以選擇「Network Advertising Initiative 選擇退出」。 

IELTS Online Privacy Notice

IELTS online is not currently available in all countries, please check your local IELTS site to confirm availability.

Who we are – IELTS Owners

The IELTS Owners are the British Council, IELTS Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 84 008 664 766), (wholly owned by IDP Education Ltd) and Cambridge Assessment English (Part of the University of Cambridge).

This Privacy Notice describes how the IELTS Owners collect and use your personal information that we obtain when you register to sit an IELTS Online test. It is intended to provide further information on how your personal data is used and supplements any information the IELTS Owners may have already provided to you about how they will use your personal data. Some of the IELTS Owners’ activities will be carried out by IELTS UK Service Limited, which is a joint venture owned by the IELTS Owners.

Data shared amongst the IELTS Owners and subcontractors

The IELTS Owners may share any relevant information from your IELTS registration or the IELTS Online test with the other joint owners of the IELTS test for purposes such as administering the IELTS test and reviewing IELTS test results for statistical and fraud detection purposes.

The IELTS Owners may forward any enquiries you make to the other joint owners of the IELTS test where necessary and appropriate. The IELTS owners use third party subcontractors to provide parts of the IELTS services as detailed below. For these services it is necessary to share your information with these subcontractors in order for us to provide the IELTS test and associated services.

Snowflake – Data warehousing, including storing, cataloguing, and enabling analysis of data by IELTS.

Tableau – Data visualisation and reporting tool to enable the analysis of data by IELTS

Types of Information collected

IELTS Online Testing

If you apply to take, or have taken, an assessment service provided by, or through, the IELTS Owners we will collect personal details such as;

  • name,

  • postal and

  • email addresses,

  • date of birth, gender,

  • contact details,

  • languages,

  • country of nationality,

  • residency status,

  • education qualifications,

  • national identity card number,

  • passport details,

  • employment history occupation,

  • information required for visa application and professional memberships.

This will include copies of documents you provide to us as proof of identity – e.g. copies of your passport or national identity card, proof of citizenship.

In the case of individuals who have taken any test or assessment provided by, or through the IELTS Owners, results achieved by the individuals will also be held.

We may also hold sensitive information about individuals, including

  • medical information (which you may provide to obtain special consideration in relation to your testing) and

  • racial or ethnic origin (from information on your country of origin).

Some personal data, such as gender, may be used to ensure that Greeters, Proctors and Examiners are assigned to test takers in accordance with local laws and practices, where applicable.

We will also process biometric information of IELTS Online Test takers who provide a visual image of their face for identity verification purposes. The image taken at the beginning of the test will be used throughout the test to confirm that it is always the same person.

We will also conduct video, audio and screen recording during the test for proctoring purposes. Further information regarding online proctoring is provided below.

IELTS Online

Remote proctoring is used to ensure test integrity, to prevent malpractice, and for fraud prevention. The proctoring platform is provided by Inspera. Audio and video from your webcam and microphone, as well as a recording of your computer screen, is captured throughout all parts of the test for proctoring purposes.

The IELTS Owners use Zoom to support video and audio communications for the delivery of the Speaking component of the IELTS Online test.

For further information on how Zoom and Inspera approach data protection, please visit the privacy sections of their websites:



Remote Proctoring

As IELTS is a high stakes test, all IELTS tests are subject to proctoring to ensure test integrity and prevent malpractice.

The use of remote proctoring is a condition of taking the IELTS test online. If you do not agree to this condition, the alternative is to attend an IELTS Test Centre.

IELTS works with a company called Inspera to provide the IELTS online platform, including remote proctoring services. You can find out more about Inspera’ s privacy practices on their website here:


Remote proctoring is made up of two parts:

Pre-test identity checking

Before the test begins, you will be asked to present an approved form of picture ID. The greeter will match the facial image on the ID with the person in front of the camera for the test session. This is to ensure that the person taking the test is the same person that registered.

Test session

During the test we will record audio and video from your device’s camera and microphone and a capture of the screen of the device used for the test. You will also be asked to provide a 360° view of the room before the test begins. This is to verify that there is no one else present to assist you.

Your entire testing session is monitored in real time and recorded through your device. Audio and video of your face, voice and workspace will be captured.

These recordings are held securely within the Inspera test platform in Europe for a period of sixty days, after which they will automatically be deleted. They may be retained for longer if there are legal grounds to keep them, such as for ongoing investigations.

The remote proctoring system uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to monitor the audio and video from your device for suspicious or unusual behaviour that may indicate malpractice. If the software flags any behaviour as potentially suspicious, that report is reviewed by the human proctor monitoring your test session before any action is taken.

The software will flag the following behaviours for further investigation.

  • Unexpected noise – the systems will detect unusual noises that are picked up by your microphone. This is intended particularly to detect speech that is not coming from the test taker.

  • People entering or leaving the frame – whenever someone enters or leaves the frame during the test, the software will compare the facial image of the person entering the frame with the facial image on the ID submitted at the start of the test. If the images do not match, the software will flag the behaviour.

The recordings do not form part of the exam and do not influence your grade – they are only used to prevent malpractice, investigate fraudulent activities and to verify the identity of the person taking the test.

We may also use extracts from the recordings for the purpose of training the AI so that it continually improves its ability to distinguish faces.

Remote Speaking Test

For the Speaking part of the IELTS Online Test, the Zoom video conferencing platform will be used. A digital recording of the Speaking test will be made via Zoom. This recording will be stored temporarily within Zoom and transferred to our cloud storage in Singapore where it will be split into Audio and Video components. The recording will be not retained on the device you use to take the test. The video file will be retained for 3 months and the audio file for 3 years.

In other dealings with Owners

We may also collect personal details such as name, postal and email addresses, contact details, languages, nationality, education qualifications, occupation, and professional memberships if you:

  • register to participate in an event organised, managed or presented by the IELTS Owners, whether in its own right, or under contract for another organisation.

  • provide your contact information to receive information on the services we provide on IELTS and IELTS related product and services.


We collect your Personal information to allow us to:

  • administer your IELTS Online test

  • protect test integrity and prevent fraud

  • improve the way in which IELTS Online is delivered

  • inform you of and provide you with information on the services we provide (including events and opportunities to participate in projects/programs)

  • use your information in an anonymous form, for informational, research, statistical and training purposes for the development of Cambridge Assessment English examinations

  • manage our internal business operations

  • respond to your questions

Legal basis for Processing your personal data

We will only process personal data where we have a lawful basis to do so. The basis for processing your personal data varies depending on the activity we collected it for. In some occurrences, we may have more than one lawful basis for processing. The information below summarises the bases on which the IELTS Owners process personal information.


The IELTS Owners process personal data necessary for the performance of a contract for your IELTS Online Test. This includes, but is not limited to, IELTS registration, identity checks and test administration.

Legal Obligation

The IELTS Owners process personal data necessary to comply with legal obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, providing personal information to regulators, law enforcement agencies and statutory bodies.

Legitimate interest

The IELTS Owners process personal data to meet our legitimate interests as a global provider of the IELTS tests. This includes, but is not limited to, responding to general enquiries, supporting test takers, preventing fraudulent activity and improving our services.


The IELTS Owners process personal data where you have provided your consent to do so. Where the IELTS Owners are relying on your consent, for example, where your personal data is being used for marketing purposes, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Special Category personal data (also known as sensitive personal data) processing

The IELTS Owners will process Special Category personal data under the following legal bases.

Explicit Consent

The IELTS Owners process personal data with your explicit consent when you provide a visual image of your face for identity verification purposes at the beginning of the IELTS Online test. We also carry out video, audio and screen recording during the test for proctoring with your consent. We may also process medical information with your consent if you provide it to support requests for special arrangements to be made in relation to your IELTS Online test.

Public Interest

In the case of Cambridge Assessments, the collection of your personal data in remote proctoring is required in the public interest to prevent test malpractice and to ensure test integrity, for the benefit of Recognising Organisations and the public in applying to Recognising Organisations.

Equality of opportunity monitoring

The IELTS Owners process special category personal data to monitor equality of opportunity provision. Any such outputs from this processing would be aggregated and not identify specific individuals. Special category data will only be shared on a strictly need to know basis in line with the individual IELTS Owner security policy.

Recipients of personal data

We also use other organisations to process your personal information to carry out services on our behalf. We use them to:

  • Provide customer service, surveys and marketing

  • Personalise our services

  • Process payments

  • Carry out fraud and other legal investigations.

Where we use another organisation, we make sure that your personal information is protected and remains in our control.


The IELTS Owners may disclose the relevant information from your IELTS Online registration or IELTS Online test with:

  • Educational institutions, IELTS test centres, governments (including visa processing authorities), or professional bodies and commercial organisations that recognise IELTS Online scores

  • With regulatory authorities for verification purposes, to protect the IELTS Online test and its stakeholders or where legally required

  • In certain situations, share personal information to government bodies and law enforcement bodies.

Unless required by law, the disclosures listed above take place in accordance with your instructions as to which organisations you want to be able to view your IELTS information.

Where we do share personal information with these types of organisations, we make sure it is protected, so far as it is reasonably possible.

Retention of personal data

We will retain your details for as long as they are needed for the relevant purposes listed in the Purposes section. When retaining information for the purpose of administering the IELTS Online test.

  • All test results and records relating to your registration and sitting of the test, including your ID document, are held for 3 years after your most recent test result

  • Video and audio recording of the test taker and their computer screen captured during the remote proctoring of your IELTS Online test is held for 60 days after your IELTS Online test

  • Video of your speaking test is held for 3 months after your IELTS Online test

  • Audio of your speaking test is held for 3 years after your IELTS Online test

We may also retain certain other records for other legitimate reasons (including after your relationship with the IELTS Owner(s) has ended), for example to resolve any potential disputes, to comply with other reporting and retention obligations, or for the prevention of fraud.

All the personal information that we collect and generate during the test (e.g. video and voice recording, your answers to the questions or the document to prove your identity, such as your Identity Card or your Passport) is temporarily stored on the device you take the test on and normally removed at the end of the test.

Your rights in relation to your personal data

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

  • Your right of access – you have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. However, material produced in your IELTS Online test will not generally be provided.

  • Your right to rectification – you have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

  • Your right to erasure – you have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances. This may not be possible in all cases when it comes to maintaining a record of your results.

  • Your right to restriction of processing – you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

  • Your right to object to processing – you have the right to object to the processing of your information in certain circumstances

  • Your right to data portability – you have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us to another organisations, or to you, in certain circumstances

  • You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

For more information on these rights please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website at https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/

If you wish to exercise any of the rights detailed above, please email the IELTS partner that you register with using the following details:

For British Council: IGDisclosures@britishcouncil.org

For IDP: privacyofficer@idp.com

For Cambridge Assessment English: privacy@cambridge.org

For further details on exercising your rights in relation to personal data processed by the IELTS Owners please see the privacy and data protection policies of the IELTS Owners for IELTS at https://www.ielts.org/policy/privacy-policy.

Making a complaint

If you are unhappy about how we have handled your personal information, we have procedures in place to deal with your enquiries or complaints. In the first instance, you should address your complaint to the IELTS Owner through whom you booked your test. Your booking confirmation will specify whether this is the British Council or IDP Education.

If you wish to raise a complaint with the British Council, please contact IGDisclosures@britishcouncil.org

If you wish to raise a complaint with IDP, please contact privacyofficer@idp.com.

If you wish to raise a complaint with Cambridge Assessment English, please contact privacy@cambridge.org

If you feel we have intruded on your privacy or misused your data, you are able to raise a complaint as follows:

In Australia

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (OAIC) website at


In the UK

Information Commissioner’s Office


Website usage and other information collected on this website

The IELTS Owners’ Privacy Notice applies solely to information collected by us and may differ from the policies of other companies’ or organisations’ websites that you link to from this website. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of any other companies’ or organisations website that you link to from our website.

IELTS Child Protection Policy

IELTS believes that child protection requires everyone to take responsibility and that every child matters. We recognise that the care, protection and welfare of children are paramount and that all children have the right to be protected from all types of harm or abuse. This includes a responsibility to protect children from any harm or risk.

We aim to achieve this through compliance with all applicable child protection laws and by adhering to Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989.

A child is defined as anyone who has not reached their 18th birthday (UNCRC 1989) irrespective of the age of majority in the country where the child is, or in their home country.

In relation to the management, recognition and administration of the IELTS test, IELTS is committed to:

  • Valuing, respecting and listening to children.

  • Ensuring all necessary checks are made when recruiting staff.

  • Maintaining strong child protection systems and procedures for staff.

  • Training its staff and providing a common understanding of child protection issues to inform planning and practice.

  • Protecting the data protection rights of children.

  • Sharing information about any concerns with the relevant agencies and involving parents and children appropriately.

  • Providing effective management for staff through clear processes, supervision and support.

We will provide adequate and appropriate resources to implement this policy and will ensure it is communicated and understood. IELTS will review this global policy statement annually to reflect new legal and regulatory developments and ensure good practice.

For more information, read the IDP IELTS Child Protection Policy document.

IELTS Test Taker Whistleblower Policy

At IDP, we take security seriously. Criminal activity of any kind will not be tolerated. If you witness any suspicious activity at your testing centre, please report it to security.ielts@idp.com


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© IELTS Australia Pty Ltd 2011-2015 版權所有,其中 IELTS Australia Pty Ltd 由 IDP Education Pty Ltd 全權擁有。