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Familiarise yourself with test types, take advantage of the free support tools on offer. And let our Experts help you get the IELTS score you need, from preparation advice to a breakdown of the test parts, what to expect on test day and everything in between. You will find resources to help you prepare for both the Academic and General Training tests.

Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!


View IELTS news and articles

Female test taker wearing casual outfit Test day

Does It Matter Where I Take IELTS - IDP Or British Council?

Studying overseas in an English-speaking country means taking your IELTS exam. However, between IDP and British Council, which do you choose?

26 January 2024
UK Fall Intake Final Call

2024 UK intake is closing, it's time to take the UKVI IELTS test!

IELTS and UKVI IELTS entering peak season! Book now to reserve your seat.

14 November 2023
Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Mike Wu - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

16 March 2023
Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Sharon Wang - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

16 March 2023
Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Eunice Shih - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

16 March 2023
Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Joey Chen- Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

16 March 2023
Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Steve - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

16 March 2023
Two female students discussing Preparation

Don't overdo it: How to ace your IELTS Speaking test

From steering clear of over-rehearsing to focusing on your experience, take a look at these 6 useful tips to ace your IELTS Speaking test.

21 December 2022
clock5mins read
A female test taker wearing headphones preparing for IELTS test in a laptopImmigration

Should I take IELTS Academic or General Training for immigration?

Unsure which IELTS test type to opt for? Fret not! We go through several scenarios and the most appropriate test type to choose in our article.

21 December 2022
clock5mins read
An IELTS test taker takes notes while preparing for the IELTS test. A paper cup that reads "IELTS" is seen on the table.Preparation

Don’t overthink during your IELTS test - 7 tips you must know!

From letting go of perfectionism to making full use of IELTS flexibility, here are 7 useful tips to help you prepare for your IELTS test.

20 December 2022
clock5mins read

View IELTS news and articles
