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Familiarise yourself with test types, take advantage of the free support tools on offer. And let our Experts help you get the IELTS score you need, from preparation advice to a breakdown of the test parts, what to expect on test day and everything in between. You will find resources to help you prepare for both the Academic and General Training tests.

Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!


View IELTS news and articles

Top view of group of students sitting together at table discussing IELTS.

Question types in the IELTS test

Learn about the types of questions you might see in your IELTS test. Question types and parts may vary for different IELTS test types.

A male test taker in a white t-shirt answering a question in his IELTS Speaking testPreparation

Question types in the IELTS Speaking test

Get familiar with the questions you might encounter in an IELTS Speaking test to help you prepare for your IELTS test.

clock30s read
Female test taker preparing for IELTS test

How to Book IELTS in person - List of IDP authorized partners

You have the freedom to book the IELTS test online, or in-personal at our IDP office locations or anyone of our authorized partners.

Test day

Collection of IELTS frequency asked questions

Learn about the IELTS text, how to register, what to expect on test day, and the differences between paper-based IELTS and computer-delivered IELTS.

IDP IELTS New PB-IELTS Test Venues & Exclusive Promotion

IDP IELTS New PB-IELTS Test Venues & Exclusive Promotion

If you are planning to study abroad in 2023, now is the time to take your IELTS test. IDP IELTS has added new Paper-Based test venues for your convenience.

Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Jo Tan - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Jim Jhang - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Huang Ting Hsien - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

Test day

Test Taker Testimony - Angela Jao - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

Test day

Test Taker Testimony - C.Y Lin - Taiwan

IDP invites candidates who have experienced IELTS Tests to share why they choose to take the IELTS test.

View IELTS news and articles
