Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
If you would like to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in the UK, you can take IELTS for UKVI.
Access the IELTS Prepare hub to view articles, videos and register for a practice event near you or online.
立即查詢The environment is bright and clean, and the testing equipment is new. The staff present were very friendly and relieved my nervousness. I successfully achieved the target score in the computer-based test here.
雅思生活技能考試適用於需要證明英語口說和聽力能力達到歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR) A1、A2 或 B1 程度的人士。雅思獲英國簽證及移民署認可,適用於申請英國簽證。
雅思生活技能考試 A1、A2 和 B1 只會測試您的聽力和口說能力。考試將評估您取得及收集資訊、溝通及參與討論的能力。考試歷時 16 至 22 分鐘,並會與考官及第二位考生一同進行。第二位考生的表現將不會影響您的考試成績。 雅思生活技能考試的成績通知略有不同。您將收到合格或不合格的成績結果,而不是評級分數。合格成績代表您可以使用您的考試成績申請英國簽證。