【颱風公告】 如宣布「停班停課」時,考試停辦;如僅宣布高中以下學校停課時,考試照常舉行。*因颱風停辦之考試,考試中心將於復班後協助考生改期考試


In IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, the question asks you to describe the information in a graph, table, chart or diagram. The information in the task could be the following types:

  • data 

  • stages of a process 

  • how something works 

  • an object or an event

  • a map

Here is a useful and fun learning game to try a few times with a study partner or friend to get ready to answer Academic Writing Task

  1. Collect lots of different examples of graphs, tables, charts, and diagrams. Try looking at the past question papers, business or academic magazines and websites. 

  2. Choose one from your collection and write a 150 word report on it, summarising all the main features. 

  3. Ask a friend or IELTS study partner to read your report, give them all of the different charts and diagrams you have. If they can choose the correct diagram/graph/table from your collection by your description of it in the report, then you have described it accurately and well! 

  4. Repeat this exercise a few times with different graphs, diagrams and tables.