【颱風公告】 如宣布「停班停課」時,考試停辦;如僅宣布高中以下學校停課時,考試照常舉行。*因颱風停辦之考試,考試中心將於復班後協助考生改期考試






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Test taker experience

IDP 雅思考試心得 - Mike Wu

IDP 特別邀請到體驗雅思的考生前來分享為什麼選擇報考雅思、平常如何準備雅思考試、IDP考場滿意度及相關防疫措施等心得。

16 March 2023
Test taker experience

「準備英國留學申請,我考 UKVI 雅思」 - Sharon Chou IDP 雅思考試心得

為了讓未來職涯更加分,就讀商管科系的 Sharon 目前正在準備英國的留學申請,同時也進行 UKVI 雅思考試的準備,幾次奮戰考試下來 Sharon 終於考到理想的雅思成績,正準備前往英國就讀,本篇文章將分享 Sharon 的留學動機與雅思考試經驗!

16 March 2023
A female test taker wearing headphones preparing for IELTS test in a laptopImmigration

Should I take IELTS Academic or General Training for immigration?

Unsure which IELTS test type to opt for? Fret not! We go through several scenarios and the most appropriate test type to choose in our article.

21 December 2022
clock5mins read
Two female students discussing Preparation

Don't overdo it: How to ace your IELTS Speaking test

From steering clear of over-rehearsing to focusing on your experience, take a look at these 6 useful tips to ace your IELTS Speaking test.

21 December 2022
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An IELTS test taker takes notes while preparing for the IELTS test. A paper cup that reads "IELTS" is seen on the table.Coaching

Don’t overthink during your IELTS test - 7 tips you must know!

From letting go of perfectionism to making full use of IELTS flexibility, here are 7 useful tips to help you prepare for your IELTS test.

20 December 2022
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Two female students discussing Preparation

3 parts of IELTS Speaking, and what to look out for!

In this article, let us take you through the three different parts of the IELTS Speaking test and how to ace it with flying colours.

19 December 2022
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A female test taker preparing for her IELTS test in a libraryPreparation

Coaching vs Self study - IELTS Preparation 101

When it comes to your preparation, there are different approaches to take, such as self-study or undergoing a prep course.

19 December 2022
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A person looking at a laptop wearing over the ear headphones.Immigration

Which is best for migration: IELTS or TOEFL?

Looking to move overseas for work or migration? Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider IELTS over TOEFL.

16 December 2022
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A happy female test taker with her laptopTest taker experience

Gaining your IELTS confidence back, after several tries and failures

Failed in your latest IELTS attempt? Don’t despair! Here’s a game plan to regain your confidence and bounce back with a win to attain the band score you desire!

16 December 2022
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An English expert recording a podcast to teach students how to improve their EnglishPreparation

Six daily habits for a higher Speaking band score

Getting a high band score on your IELTS Speaking test requires practice and persistence. Here are six daily habits that can help you achieve your goal.

31 May 2022

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