Why choose IELTS IDP Computer-delivered Test?
The reason why I choose to take the IELTS exam is I will be opening my new chapter in the UK as a postgraduate student in September 2022. Moreover, why I opt for IDP instead of the British Council is that IDP is not only an educational agency but a partner who helps me pursue my dream by supporting my admission applications.
My two participants in IDP IELTS have impressed me with their professional facilities and staff. I chose the paper-based exam for the first time with a positive impression of the site's tidiness and the pace that the invigilator controlled. The second time I was taking a computer test at the IDP office in Taipei. I definitely enjoyed the whole process as it provided me with a pleasant testing environment and fancy equipment such as beats headphones and a big computer screen. Also, the examiner in the speaking test was kind to people which relieved my stress and tension during the test. This part of human interaction has been the best part of my IELTS experiences.
When asked what type of exam pattern I would recommend, I will 100% stick with computer-based exams. In my case, I am struggling with running out of time in the writing part so I need to try and generate my ideas as quickly as possible. My problem can be solved by the computer exam. Plus, the test result will be released within 5 days, which means that I can clear my last condition as soon as possible without skipping the deadline.
Anyhow, I wish all candidates for the IELTS exam the best of luck getting the perfect band for any purpose that requires you to do so.