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Jika Anda ingin bekerja, bermigrasi, belajar, atau menghadiri pelatihan kejuruan di Inggris, Anda mungkin perlu mengambil tes IELTS untuk UKVI. Ini adalah Secure English Language Test (SELT) yang disetujui oleh departemen dalam negeri Inggris untuk pengajuan visa ke Inggris.

IELTS General Training untuk UKVI memiliki konten, format, penilaian, dan tingkat kesulitan yang sama dengan tes IELTS General Training. Namun, tes IELTS untuk UKVI hanya tersedia di tempat tes yang memenuhi persyaratan administratif yang ditetapkan oleh Departemen Dalam Negeri Inggris. Test Report Form (TRF) Anda juga akan sedikit berbeda jika Anda mengambil tes IELTS untuk UKVI.

Apa itu tes IELTS UKVI General Training

The IELTS UKVI General Training Test is designed for you if you're planning to migrate to the UK for work, training, secondary education, or to settle. It evaluates your ability to communicate in English through everyday contexts, with four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. This version adheres to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) standards, preparing you for real-life English use.

Speaking test

In the Speaking test, you will engage in a one-on-one interview with an examiner, lasting 11-14 minutes and divided into three parts: an introduction, a monologue on a given topic, and a discussion. This section tests your fluency, pronunciation, and ability to organise your thoughts in English, emphasising effective communication skills.

Listening test

During the Listening test, you will have to listen to four recordings of native English speakers and answer questions based on them. This 30-minute test assesses your ability to understand main ideas, detailed factual information, and opinions, underscoring the importance of listening comprehension in everyday scenarios.

Reading test

This section involves reading extracts from books, magazines, and newspapers. It’s designed to reflect daily English usage. Test-takers have 60 minutes to complete various question types, assessing their ability to understand texts, grasp main ideas, and infer information, all of which are crucial for navigating English-speaking contexts.

Writing test

The Writing test consists of two tasks, letter writing and essay writing, to be completed in 60 minutes. It evaluates your ability to organise ideas clearly, use a range of vocabulary, and apply grammar accurately. This section tests will test your writing skills in real-life scenarios, from formal letters to opinion essays.

Effective preparation strategies for the IELTS UKVI General Exam

Preparing effectively for the IELTS UKVI General Training test is one way you can significantly enhance your performance and confidence. By understanding what the test format entails and practising with the right materials, you can develop strategies that make navigating the test sections more manageable and increase your chances of success. Find out how you can maximise your efficiency for the IELTS UKVI with IELTS preparation material online.

Understanding the test format

Knowing the test format inside out is crucial. Work toward understanding what each section entails—Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking—to prepare you for what to expect on test day, boosting your confidence.

Develop a study plan

Creating a study plan that allocates timings based on your strengths and weaknesses can significantly enhance your performance. Focusing more on areas needing improvement ensures a balanced skill set across all test sections.

Utilise official practice material

Using official practice materials, like sample papers, is akin to experiencing the real test. Regular practice with these materials improves your familiarity with the question formats and enhances your test-taking speed and accuracy.

Taking mock tests

Mock tests simulate the exam environment, promoting effective time management and readiness. Practising under timed conditions, especially for the Writing section, will help to gauge how much time to allocate during the actual test.

Working on time management

Mastering time management during the test is key. Learn to pace yourself across each section, ensuring you can complete all tasks. Practise skimming through texts in the Reading test and outlining your essays in the Writing section.

Joining an IELTS preparation course

Enrolling in an IELTS General Training for UKVI preparation course can provide structured learning, feedback on your performance, and tips to avoid common mistakes, making it easier to pinpoint and correct your weaknesses.

Book your IELTS for UKVI General Training

Step 1: Register for your IELTS test


  • Select the desired test location for your IELTS for UKVI.

  • Select the test type, test date and time then click “Book now” to confirm your test booking.

Step 2: Check your booking

  • You will be directed to our ordering system where you can check your booking or change your IELTS for UKVI test schedule according to your wishes.

  • If everything is correct, click the "Review booking" button.

  • Check your order again. Read the terms and conditions and then click the agree box.

  • Click “Login and complete your booking”.

Step 3: Create an account (for new registrants only)

  • If you are a new user to IDP’s IELTS platform, please register using your email.

  • Complete the required personal data fields.

ATTENTION: Incomplete data will result in your application not being able to be processed. Please ensure all fields are filled in correctly and accurately to ensure your IELTS application goes through.

Step 4: Choose your payment method

Pay for IELTS for UKVI online via Stripe:

  • Make payment for the IELTS for UKVI test fee via bank transfer to the virtual account provided.

ATTENTION: Payment must be made 30 minutes after the virtual account is received, otherwise your order will be canceled by the system automatically. You will need to select a date and book the test again.

Pay for IELTS for UKVI via offline direct transfer:

  • Please click the “Instruction” link. Transfer payment to IDP account and send proof of payment via email.

Step 5: Receive a confirmation email

If your payment is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from Read the instructions in the email carefully to ensure everything is ready for the test. If you do not receive a confirmation email after making payment, please contact your IELTS for UKVI test center.

Book your IELTS for UKVI General Training

In Indonesia, the IELTS UKVI General Training test typically costs IDR 3,570,000. Test-takers can make payments through the IDP IELTS registration portal using credit or debit cards, bank transfers, or in-person at select test centres. Always check the latest fees and payment methods on our website for the most accurate information.

Scoring and results in IELTS UKVI General Training

Your IELTS UKVI General Training test results are reported as band scores ranging from 1 (Non-User) to 9 (Expert User), with each section scored individually. Knowing how the scoring works will help you define what is a good IELTS score to match your visa requirements:

  • Tier 2 visas: Generally look for a minimum of 4.0 in each skill.

  • Tier 4 student visas: Requirements can be higher, depending on the institution.

  • Family visas: Specific levels might be needed for the Speaking and Listening tests.

  • You can expect your results within 13 days for paper-based tests and 5-7 days for computer-delivered tests, key to meeting your UKVI application needs.

Ready to ace your IELTS UKVI exam? Chat with us now to book your placement today!

Frequently asked questions about IELTS UKVI

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