【颱風公告】 如宣布「停班停課」時,考試停辦;如僅宣布高中以下學校停課時,考試照常舉行。*因颱風停辦之考試,考試中心將於復班後協助考生改期考試


The new computer-delivered IELTS familiarisation tests will give you an accurate idea of what to expect on test day.

While the content, question types and time allocated to each test is the same for both computer-delivered and paper based IELTS tests, the new computer-delivered IELTS familiarisation tests will help you:

  • Get familiar with the IELTS test format

  • Gain experience with real-time test conditions

  • Practice real IELTS test tasks

  • Improve your answers by giving you access to IELTS model answers

IELTS Academic Reading

Matching features

Start the Academic Reading matching features practice test

Download the answer key

Table completion

Start the Academic Reading table completion practice test

Download the answer key

Familiarisation test

Start the IELTS Academic Reading practice test

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IELTS General Training Reading

Flow chart completion

Start the General Training Reading flow chart completion practice test

Download the answer key

Matching headings

Start the General Training Reading matching headings practice test

Download the answer key

IELTS Listening

Flow chart completion

Start the Listening flow chart completion practice test

Download the transcript

Download the answer key

Sentence completion

Start the Listening sentence completion practice test

Download the transcript

Download the answer key

Table completion

Start the Listening table completion practice test

Download the transcript

Download the answer key

IELTS Academic Writing

Start the Academic Writing practice test

Download the answer key

Looking for more familiarisation materials to help you achieve the band score you need? Take a look at the IELTS preparation course to familiarise yourself with test format, number of questions and time taken to complete each part.