【颱風公告】 如宣布「停班停課」時,考試停辦;如僅宣布高中以下學校停課時,考試照常舉行。*因颱風停辦之考試,考試中心將於復班後協助考生改期考試


There are many different professional bodies that ask for IELTS score for registration in the industry. These professions can vary from teaching, medical, law or engineering to name a few.

If you are a working professional you have two options for IELTS, with the IELTS General Training and the IELTS Academic tests. You can check with the organisation directly which test is needed.

Some bodies ask for the IELTS General Training test, some require the IELTS Academic test, while there are some that accept both. The IELTS General Training test includes tasks which are related to social and workplace settings, so it is accepted by many vocational training centres or professional organisations.

Check the English language requirements of different recognising organisations before you book your IELTS test.