【颱風公告】 如宣布「停班停課」時,考試停辦;如僅宣布高中以下學校停課時,考試照常舉行。*因颱風停辦之考試,考試中心將於復班後協助考生改期考試


More than 11,500 organizations in over 140 countries recognize IELTS as a true indicator of your English-language skills - from universities to training institutions, government departments and immigration agencies, professional and industrial organizations.

You can use your IELTS score to apply to educational institutions around the world. Multinational companies also accept IELTS as proof of your English-language skills, as well as immigration authorities in Australia, Canada, the UK and in the USA. Some occupations in English-speaking countries require IELTS for professional registration, such as nursing and teaching.

Each organization sets its own minimum band score for entry, so make sure you find out the IELTS entry requirements needed for your application. Make sure to check the IELTS band score you need before taking the IELTS test so you can best prepare.

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