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IELTS Writing: Keterampilan Apa yang Anda Uji dan Seberapa Bergunanya Dalam Kehidupan Nyata?

Tes menulis IELTS mengevaluasi keterampilan menulis inti Anda termasuk meringkas, menjelaskan, menafsirkan informasi, dan merumuskan argumen

A female IELTS test taker pointing at a white board.

IELTS Speaking: What skills are you tested for and how useful are they in real life?

Learn about the different kinds of skills you are tested for while sitting an IELTS Speaking test.

Female test taker prepare for IELTS on paper test

Satu minggu ke hari ujian: bagaimana mempersiapkan IELTS Anda di atas kertas - Tes akademik

Mendaftar tes IELTS di atas kertas dan ingin mencetak skor pada hari tes? Inilah cara mempersiapkan hari ujian secara efektif meskipun hanya beberapa hari lagi!

Male IELTS student wear gray sweater on his laptop smiling

IDP IELTS Referral Partner Program

Become an IDP IELTS Referral Partner and earn commission while helping people achieve their work and study goals.

Your Ambition, Your Story, Your Award!

Tell us your story and you could receive one of eight USD $5,000 IDP IELTS Future Awards to help shape your future.

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Planning on taking your IELTS test soon?

Seven benefits of taking IELTS on computer that you didn’t know about

Wondering if you should opt for IELTS on computer? Here’s why this test format is so popular and why you should opt for it instead!

Should you retake IELTS amidst the Australian student cap?

Want to retake the IELTS test due to the Australian student cap? Explore the benefits, challenges, and factors to consider, including the retake fee.

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A shot of Big Ben clock in UK

IELTS Life Skills: Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Mengejar Impian ke Inggris Anda

Ingin tinggal di Inggris tetapi tidak yakin tes IELTS Life Skills mana yang harus diambil? Inilah semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang tes A1 dan B1

A male IELTS test taker reading IELTS preparation notes.Preparation

Question types in the General Training Reading test

Make sure you familiarise yourself with the questions you might get in IELTS General Training before sitting your test.

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A male test taker preparing for IELTS Writing test in a classroom

Mengapa Mengambil IELTS Dengan IDP: 13 Fakta Dan Angka yang Harus Anda Ketahui

Inilah mengapa Anda harus mengikuti tes Anda dengan IDP!

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