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View IELTS news and articles

A group of students in western outfits looking at their IELTS results together.Test day

How to skim and scan for keywords in your IELTS test

Let our IELTS Experts walk you through how to skim, scan and look for keywords in your IELTS Reading test.

18 June 2018
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A male test taker in a white t-shirt answering a question in his IELTS Speaking testPreparation

Question types in the IELTS Speaking test

Get familiar with the questions you might encounter in an IELTS Speaking test to help you prepare for your IELTS test.

clock30s read
A laptop, a notebook, and a smartphone on a wooden desk

Satu minggu menuju hari ujian: Bagaimana mempersiapkan IELTS Anda di Komputer - Tes akademik

Inilah yang perlu Anda lakukan untuk bersiap-siap dengan tergesa-gesa agar mendapat nilai bagus di hari ujian!

Two female and two male students have a casual talk sitting on the grass with a baseball and a football in a parkTest day

IELTS success stories - study and migration goals

Hear the success stories, tips and advice from past test takers. Learn how they achieved their work, study and migration goals with IELTS.

A female IELTS test taker wearing black and white stripped t-shirt reads a magazine sitting on a park benchPreparation

IELTS Academic Reading free sample questions

Get access to free sample questions for Academic Reading. It’s perfect for improving your English-language skills and prepare for test day.

clock45mins read

IELTS Pada General Training Komputer: Panduan Lengkap Anda Untuk Mengejar Pekerjaan dan Tujuan Migrasi

Anda harus mengikuti tes IELTS General Training dan inilah semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentangnya, terutama versi berbasis komputer!

Three IELTS test takers walking inside the campus.Preparation

Introducing the New IELTS Prepare Hub: Everything You Need to Succeed

Prepare smarter, not harder, with our new IELTS Prepare Hub.

A happy female IELTS test taker holding a tablet device.

Mengapa IELTS Lebih dari Sekedar Kunci Untuk Membantu Anda Belajar atau Bekerja di Luar Negeri

Dari membuka peluang jaringan yang lebih baik hingga mengesankan rekan kerja Anda, inilah manfaat seumur hidup yang diberikan IELTS!

Test format

Minimum IELTS score to work in the UK and get PR in 2024

Here are the IELTS requirements you’ll need to work and live in the UK. Find out what scores are necessary for each of the various visas you can apply for!

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How fast IELTS results can secure your dream university spot

Get your IELTS results faster with IELTS on Computer! Learn how fast results can help you meet deadlines and submit your student visa application promptly.

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