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IELTS Academic assesses how well you can use English in an academic environment.
Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
If you would like to study at undergraduate or postgraduate level in the UK, you can take IELTS for UKVI.
Didn't get the band score you require? Check to see if you're eligible for a One Skill Retake.
Join the IELTS community and meet with other IELTS test takers from all over the world!
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雅思 (IELTS) 是全球最受欢迎的国际英语测试之一,为升学、就业及移居海外打开机会,雅思去年报考的人数高达 350 万人次。 雅思拥有良好的国际声誉,获全球超过 150 个国家 12,000 多所机构认可,当中包括学校、大学、雇主、移民政府机关及专业团体。 雅思由世界语言评估的权威专家所设计,同时评估考生听、说、读、写四种英语技能,能够如实反映考生在学习、工作以至在日常运用英语的能力。
你可以报考雅思 学术考试,如果你打算:
你可以报考雅思 通用考试,如果你打算: