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View IELTS news and articles

A male and a female in casual outfits climbing the stairs with backpacks

Get ready for at-home testing with IELTS Online… coming your way soon!

Do you wish you could be one step closer to your study abroad goals and take your English test from the comfort of your own home? Very soon it will be possible.

23 March 2022
A male test taker sits on a bean bag and practising for IELTS Writing test using a laptop.Coaching

Booking your IELTS test - A step-by-step guide

Convenience is key when it comes to booking your IELTS test. In fact, it’s actually simpler than you’d think!

14 April 2022

The A to Z of IELTS: M is to Memorise or not

Can memorising answers be a useful approach in your preparation for your IELTS test? Let's take a look.

06 April 2022
The A to Z of IELTS: L is for Lexical ResourcePreparation

The A to Z of IELTS: L is for Lexical Resource

Lexical resource is all about how flexibly and fluently you can find the right words and phrases to convey precise meanings.

08 March 2022
A male student reading a book. Preparation

The A to Z of IELTS: K is for Keywords (part 2)

In part 2 of this series, we look at scanning and identifying questions for keywords in the IELTS Reading test.

21 February 2022

The A to Z of IELTS: K is for Keywords (part 1)

Looking out for keywords is a great way to identify and understand what the topic is about. It's also a useful tool in helping you build ideas.

03 February 2022
Two female students having a conversion Preparation

The A to Z of IELTS: J is for Justification

In the IELTS Speaking and Writing tests, you will be required to justify your opinion and ideas. Let’s look at some ways to do this along with some examples.

10 January 2022
Two students having a conversation Pronunciation

The A to Z of IELTS: I is for Intonation

Intonation is an important part of your speaking as it can help indicate meaning. Focus on this area in your IELTS test preparation to improve your band score.

21 December 2021
Three IELTS test takers in casual outfits sit on  a lawn and prepares for IELTS with preparation materialsPreparation

Make the most of your free access to this IELTS online preparation course

Booked your IELTS test with IDP? Get free access* to an online preparation course developed by Macquarie University. Make the most of this amazing offer!

09 December 2021
A group of IELTS test takers wearing masks prepare for the IELTS test in a library

How to get a good IELTS band score during this pandemic (5 things to do)

Preparing for your IELTS test isn’t easy amid social restrictions. Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay focused.

23 November 2021

View IELTS news and articles