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It’s important to understand the test format before you start. IELTS Online is the same test as the IELTS on paper or IELTS on computer Academic test taken in a test centre. The difference with IELTS Online is you don’t even have to leave your house to take it.

The Speaking test usually comes first, and is taken on its own. Your Listening, Reading and Writing tests are all taken together, at a separate time booked by you. 

The duration and content of each section of the test is the same as IELTS taken in a test centre. 

Speaking: 11-14 minutes (3 parts) 

Part 1 – Introduction: The speaking test begins with a brief introduction which typically lasts 4-5 minutes. 

Part 2 – Long turn: You will be shown a task card with a topic you are required to speak about and given 1 minute to prepare some notes (there is a space on the screen for typing notes). You will then be required to speak on for approximately 2 minutes on this topic.  

Part 3 – Two-way discussion: In Part 3, the examiner will ask a range of questions on the topic you spoke about in Part 2. The length of this section lasts for 4-5 minutes and is an opportunity to demonstrate your English language ability. 

Listening: 30 minutes – 4 sections (40 questions) 

The listening test is made up of four recordings, each accompanied by 10 questions. The recordings include:  

  • An everyday conversation between two people 

  • A monologue set in an everyday social context 

  • A conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context 

  • A monologue on an academic subject 

The 40 questions are in a range of formats which you can learn more about here

Reading: 60 minutes – 3 sections (40 questions) 

The reading test has 40 questions. 

You will read three texts from a range of sources, like books, magazines, journals and newspapers before being asked a series of questions.  

Question types include multiple choice, matching exercises, and summaries. You can learn about the question types in more detail here.  

Writing: 60 minutes – 2 tasks 

The writing section consists of two tasks, both of which must be completed. 

Task 1 – You will be asked to describe visual information such as a graph, table, chart or diagram in your own words (approximately 150 words in 40 minutes). 

Task 2 – You will be required to respond to a point of view, argument, or problem (approximately 250 words in 40 minutes). 

You can learn about these tasks in more detail here.