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Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!
View IELTS news and articles

IELTS announces at-home testing option
Test takers around the world will have the option to take their secure test online when IELTS Online launches in early 2022.

New Brunswick launches permanent residency pathway for international students
New Brunswick graduates will be be eligible to apply for permanent residency beginning in April 2022.

New milestone for IELTS
IELTS test results are now accepted by more than 12,500 organisations across the globe.

How to get a good IELTS band score during this pandemic (5 things to do)
Preparing for your IELTS test isn’t easy amid social restrictions. Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay focused.

The A to Z of IELTS: H is for Hyperboles
Hyperboles are often used by native speakers and you may want to consider using them in your IELTS Speaking test as a way of enhancing your band score.

The A to Z of IELTS: G is for Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Grammatical range and accuracy is one of the key assessment criteria in the IELTS test. In this article we take a closer look at what exactly it constitutes.

IELTS entry scores
Planning to sit an IELTS exam for studying abroad or migration? Here's what you need to know about minimum entry scores.

The A to Z of IELTS: F is for Free Preparation Material
At IDP, we offer a wide variety of free preparation materials and information to help test takers improve their chances in their upcoming test.

The A to Z of IELTS: E is for Essays
Preparing for IELTS Writing? Read this article on the different types of essays you are likely to encounter in the test.

Introducing IELTS Prepare
We are proud to announce the launch of IELTS Prepare – a one-stop-shop for all official IDP IELTS preparation materials.