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Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!
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IELTS webinar series for teachers
Come along to our live Train the Trainer Webinar Series on IELTS Writing!

IELTS or PTE: Which test is best for migration?
Looking to move overseas for work or migration? Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider IELTS over PTE.

Grammar for IELTS
There are many different grammar rules to consider when writing in English. It's possible to make mistakes, and some mistakes occur more frequently than others.

IELTS Preparation Course
Learn about each IELTS question type in each test section with our free IELTS preparation course.

صلاحية اختبار الآيلتس
تختلف مدة صلاحية اختبار الآيلتس من دولة لأخرى - تعرف على صلاحية نتيجة اختبار الآيلتس لكل من أستراليا وكندا والمملكة المتحدة ونيوزيلندا والولايات المتحدة.

Don't overdo it: How to ace your IELTS Speaking test
From steering clear of over-rehearsing to focusing on your experience, take a look at these 6 useful tips to ace your IELTS Speaking test.

Should I take IELTS Academic or General Training for immigration?
Unsure which IELTS test type to opt for? Fret not! We go through several scenarios and the most appropriate test type to choose in our article.

كيفية التفوق في اختبار الآيلتس - 7 نصائح قيمة
اكتشف كيفية التفوق في اختبار الآيلتس عن طريق 7 نصائح قيمة

Coaching vs Self study - IELTS Preparation 101
When it comes to your preparation, there are different approaches to take, such as self-study or undergoing a prep course.

3 parts of IELTS Speaking, and what to look out for!
In this article, let us take you through the three different parts of the IELTS Speaking test and how to ace it with flying colours.