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The IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 is for those who want to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK or citizenship.
Life Skills B1 is a secure English-language test (SELT) accepted by the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration Department as proof of your English-language proficiency. The test looks at your listening and speaking skills in the 22-minute test with an examiner and one other test taker. The second test taker’s performance will not affect your test results.
An IELTS examiner will look at your English speaking and listening skills, and your ability to obtain and convey information, speak to communicate and engage in discussion. There are no band scores with any of the Life Skills tests, your results will be given as a pass or fail.
You will be assessed on your ability to listen and respond to spoken English where you have to obtain and convey basic information and communicate on familiar topics.
The examiner might ask you to describe a topic, give opinions or preferences and justify those, and explain and expand on a topic. You will also be expected to communicate with both the examiner and the other test taker.
The IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 is for those who want to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK or citizenship.
IELTS Life Skills B1 tasks may include:
Showing contrast, cause, reason or purpose
Asking about past or future events
Expressing future certainty or possibility
At IDP, we offer a wide variety of materials and information to help test takers improve their chances in their upcoming tests. Some of these resources are free to all and can be found on IELTS Prepare – our one-stop shop for all official IDP IELTS preparation materials.