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There are four modules of the IELTS test - Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. But the most common question types that candidates get stuck on are the matching heading questions of the IELTS Reading test. Matching headings and question types can be quite challenging. However, with effective strategies and careful preparation, you can approach these questions with confidence. To excel in this question type, it is important for you to develop a systematic approach and use key strategies. By reading the text and headings carefully, identifying keywords, and understanding the main ideas of each paragraph, you will be better equipped to match the headings accurately. In this blog, we will explore various strategies and tips to help you navigate through the matching headings question types successfully and maximise your score in the IELTS Reading test.

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Overview of matching heading question type in the IELTS Reading test

In this matching heading question type of the IELTS Reading test, you need to match a heading from the question to the correct paragraph or section in the text. There will always be more headings than paragraphs, so some headings will not be used. It's also possible that some parts of the text may not be relevant to the task. This question type is used when the text contains paragraphs with clear themes. It tests your ability to identify the main idea and supporting ideas in each paragraph.

This question type can be tricky for the following reasons:

  • It takes more time compared to other questions

  • There are usually more headings than paragraphs

  • Some paragraphs don't require headings

  • Some headings may only include specific details instead of the main idea, which can be misleading

  • Some headings may contain the same words as a paragraph but don't match

Sample of matching heading question type in the Academic IELTS Reading test

You can refer to this sample of matching heading questions with answers when practicing for the Academic IELTS Reading test.

Sample question:

academic reading sample task academic reading sample task 1

Sample answer:

academic reading sample task answer

Sample of matching heading question type in the General Training IELTS Reading test

You can refer to this sample of matching heading questions with answers when practicing for the General Training IELTS Reading test.

Sample question:

general training reading sample

Sample answers:

general training reading sample answer

Strategies to approach matching heading question type in the IELTS Reading test

How you approach this question type depends on your personal preference, so you should choose the strategy that works best for you. We will outline two strategies to help you successfully match headings.

Strategy 1: First, start by reading the question

1. Read all the headings

Take your time to understand the meaning of each heading. It can help to rephrase or explain the main idea in simpler terms.

2. Identify important words in the headings

Once you have read all the headings, underline or circle important words like names, places, dates, and nouns. This will make it easier to match the correct heading to the right paragraph.

3. Pay attention to similarities and differences

In this type of question, the headings can be very similar or completely different. By identifying the keywords, you'll notice the similarities and differences among the headings. This will make it clearer which option to choose.

4. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph

The first and last sentence of a paragraph often tells you the main idea. It's a good idea to read these sentences carefully because it saves time. Also, quickly skim through the other sentences in the paragraph because the main idea might not be in the first sentence.

5. Choose the best heading for the paragraph

After reading the headings again, choose the heading that matches the paragraph the most. If you're not sure about the difference between multiple headings, make a note and move on. As you read all the paragraphs, you might be able to eliminate some heading options, making the answers clearer. Remember, a heading is the main idea of the paragraph, not specific detail. Sometimes, the heading and the paragraph might have a matching word, but that word may not be the main idea.

Strategy 2: First, start by reading the text

Some test takers like to quickly read through the whole text to understand the main idea of each paragraph. But be careful with time because you only have 20 minutes for each Reading part, and you obviously don't want to spend all that time on one question type.

1. Read one paragraph at a time

Focus on one paragraph at a time. Pay more attention to the first and last sentences of the paragraph to figure out the main idea.

2. Make your own heading

After skimming through the paragraph, come up with your own heading or a short sentence that summarises what you read. Your heading should capture the main idea, not just specific details.

3. Read each heading provided

Read the given headings carefully to understand their meanings. Look for a heading that closely relates to the one you made up for the same paragraph. If there are multiple options that could fit, note them down and move on to the next. As you read more paragraphs, you might be able to eliminate some options.Mark keywords that show similarities or differences, as this will help you eliminate headings with similar meanings.

Some general tips for matching heading question types in the IELTS Reading test

Here are some tips for you to keep in mind when preparing for the matching heading questions of the IELTS Reading test:

  • Be mindful of your time when selecting the correct heading using both strategies, as it can take up a lot of time

  • If you're unsure about the difference between two or more headings, make a note and move on to the next paragraph

  • As you read further into the passage, you may be able to eliminate some possible answers

  • It's a good practice to cross out the heading once you're confident that you have the correct heading for the paragraph or have ruled out an option

  • Skimming is an important skill for time-consuming question types like matching headings. It allows you to quickly grasp the main idea and gives you more time

Consider your comfort level and the time you have available when choosing the best strategy for matching heading questions. With practice, you'll become more familiar with what works best for you.Additionally, if you have any questions or doubts about the IELTS test, you can visit your nearest IDP IELTS test centres. The team of experts will help you through it.

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