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Familiarise yourself with test types, take advantage of the free support tools on offer. And let our Experts help you get the IELTS score you need, from preparation advice to a breakdown of the test parts, what to expect on test day and everything in between. You will find resources to help you prepare for both the Academic and General Training tests.
Staying informed of what to expect on test day and putting the tips and advice here into practice will lead to IELTS success!
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Free access to IELTS online preparation course
Book your IELTS test with a participating test centre and get free access to an online preparation course for 30 days.

My life in Canada: Moving to Canada as a student
Hear from Estelle, who has called Canada home for 13 years describe her life in Canada and why she loves the country.

Free access to IELTS preparation course online
Book your IELTS test with a participating test centre and get free access to an online preparation course for 30 days.

How to successfully book an IDP IELTS test
Find out how to book your IELTS test and key documents you need to successfully complete the process.

How to successfully book an IDP IELTS test
Find out how to book your IELTS test and key documents you need to successfully complete the process.

How to successfully book an IDP IELTS test
Find out how to book your IELTS test and key documents you need to successfully complete the process.

Prepárese para el examen IELTS con estos seis pasos sencillos
¿Es este su primer examen IELTS? Lea estos seis pasos sencillos para comprender mejor el examen IELTS y saber cómo prepararse.

Do I need to take IELTS Academic or General Training?
We take a closer look at the IELTS Academic and General Training tests to help you decide which test is right for you.

Tipos de preguntas en la parte de escritura del examen IELTS académico
Conozca los tipos de preguntas del examen IELTS académico. Incorpórelas a su plan de estudio y logre un buen resultado en su examen IELTS.

Preguntas de práctica de la parte de lectura del examen IELTS general
Prepárese con las preguntas de muestra gratuitas de la parte de lectura del examen IELTS general e incorpórelas a su plan de estudio.