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Face-to-face IELTS Speaking

At IELTS we believe a face-to-face Speaking test is the most effective way of assessing your speaking skills. There is only one Speaking test for both Academic and General Training candidates.

If you take an IELTS on computer test, the Speaking test is the same as always – face-to-face, in a quiet room, with a real, human examiner. Unlike an AI test, an IELTS expert will be able to make you feel relaxed and confident. They’re also able to understand your accent to ensure you get the best possible score.

IELTS Speaking is often a test module most test-takers would need more support on and hence they start preparing early. As the test day approaches, they begin having more and more questions as they want to perform at their best.

To address these questions, we have launched a series of free monthly IELTS Masterclass webinars, where we invite IELTS experts to dispel common myths surrounding IELTS Speaking and help you gain more confidence.

IELTS Speaking FAQ

All IELTS Masterclass 2-hour webinars will guide you through the 4 sections of the test, giving you directions and advice on how to understand and answer the questions on test day and will also offer a Q&A session for 20 to 30 minutes with an IELTS Expert.

Some of the questions come up repeatedly and mostly, test-takers wish to know about the test format, assessment criteria and tips to boost their score. We have gathered these questions and asked IELTS Experts to answer them.

We will keep updating the list of FAQs, so if you have anything to add, please reach out to us and we will be glad to add more comments.

Read IELTS Speaking FAQs and answers