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Female IELTS test taker in a green sweatshirt enquires about IELTS to a test centre staff

IELTS Speaking: AI vs face-to-face speaking with an examiner

Learn about the key advantages of taking your IELTS Speaking test face-to-face with a qualified IELTS examiner.

10 January 2020
A group of students in western outfits looking at their IELTS results together.Test day

How to skim and scan for keywords in your IELTS test

Let our IELTS Experts walk you through how to skim, scan and look for keywords in your IELTS Reading test.

18 June 2018
clock5mins read
Male test taker wearing blue checked shirt completes his IELTS Writing test on a computerPreparation

Question types in the IELTS General Training Writing test

If you need to take a General Training test, take a closer look at the questions you might see in IELTS Writing.

clock90s read
The word 'Whom' on a wooden boardPreparation

Grammar 101: How to use who and whom correctly?

How to use who and whom correctly? Let’s look at some examples and do a who vs whom quiz.

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IELTS test taker typing into her laptopPreparation

7 myths about the IELTS Writing test to dispel

Want to give yourself the best chance of a high band score in IELTS Writing? Then take our advice and don’t believe these 7 myths.

A female test taker having a conversation with an IELTS ExpertPreparation

9 myths about the IELTS Speaking test to debunk

It's time to separate fact from fiction and see how the IELTS Speaking test is actually marked.

Three male IELTS test takers sitting on a bench prepare for IELTS test with the official preparation materials.Preparation

Question types in the Academic Reading test

Make sure you familiarise yourself with the questions you might get in IELTS Academic before sitting your test.

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A male test taker practicing for IELTS Listening test in his laptop.

IELTS Academic and General free practice tests

Prepare for IELTS with these free practice tests and answers for Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading.

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Two women in casual outfits reading official IELTS preparation materials in a classroomPreparation

IELTS Academic Writing free practice questions

Download our free Academic Writing sample question and familiarise yourself with the questions you might get on test day.

clock30mins read
A male test taker in a white t-shirt answering a question in his IELTS Speaking testPreparation

Question types in the IELTS Speaking test

Get familiar with the questions you might encounter in an IELTS Speaking test to help you prepare for your IELTS test.

clock30s read

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