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IELTS Academic assesses how well you can use English in an academic environment.
Students applying to high schools or vocational training programs in English-speaking countries might need to take this test.
Didn't get the band score you require? Check to see if you're eligible for a One Skill Retake.
IELTS Academic assesses how well you can use English in an academic environment.
Join the IELTS community and meet with other IELTS test takers from all over the world!
Access IELTS communityHad a great and memorable experience with IELTS - IFI. The staffs are supportive and very accommodating. Venue is stellar and conducive for testing. Not to mention, the online review is comprehensive and mock exam is absolutely helpful.
إذا كان لديك سؤال حول اختبار الآيلتس ولا يمكنك العثور على الإجابة التي تحتاجها عبر الإنترنت ، فتواصل معنا لمساعدتك
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